When 'The Duke' famously said "The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun", he was thinking of this exact log.
This locally made beaut was handshaped and glassed to perfection by Chris Bauer in Port Angeles, Washington. Bauer's boards are key to the mycorrhizal network of Washington surf.
A true PNW log, this single-fin longboard comes with all the bells and whistles: full volan belly and rails to protect against dings, double-V stringer with resin panel to reduce nose and tail flex, and average nose and tail rocker to help get you into every. single. wave.
And believe me, this will catch EVERY wave you paddle for.
Want to be the envy of the lineup? This is your board.
Dimensions: 9'10"x23"x3 3/8"
Get one at Urban Surf and share your adventures on Social Media at !